Category: Programming

Tiny taste of what I do. 0

Tiny taste of what I do.

Well I do exist!  Whoda thunk.  Sorry posts have been few and far between lately (read: non-existent), but I do want to be writing them! Anyhow, I just had to stop in quick to...

Daily List 0

Daily List  <– Seems very interesting, but cludgy so far. I need to add TWIP to my podcast list. Also, get GReG its own vhost.!

GReG Updates 0

GReG Updates

I recently completed a few enhancements to GReG, the online, universal gift registry site I’ve been working on.  Event controllers can now delete and modify gifts associated with their events, as well as delete...

Netflix API 0

Netflix API

Electronista just posted an article talking about Netflix releasing a developer API.  Definitely sounds cool.  I’m envisioning plugins to sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and maybe even a FireFox plug-in (a la Ubiquity) that...